In accordance with tradition, Porsgrund Porcelain Factory is once again releasing a Christmas plate this year. The motif for this year is the hyacinth, marking the third plate within the "Christmas Plants" theme. THE SERIES OF CHRISTMAS PLANTS CONTINUES Every five years, Porsgrund changes the designer of the Christmas plate, and in 2021, Cathrine Kirkerud took over the reins. Kirkerud is a regular designer at Porsgrund Porcelain Factory and is responsible for the design of the popular Jordbæreng tableware and this year's major release, Bølge. Cathrine focuses on a botanical theme featuring Christmas plants, with mistletoe and Christmas roses being the previous designs in the two preceding years. This year, the hyacinth adorns the Christmas plate. Hyacinths are highly popular during the holiday season, emitting a delightful fragrance that many associate with Christmas. NORWEGIAN-MADE FOR THE HOLIDAYS The Christmas plate is both produced and decorated at Porsgrund Porcelain Factory. The plate is not only a beautiful decorative item in itself but can also be used for serving holiday meals. It's perfect for setting the table for breakfast or coffee gatherings, or you can mix and match it with other tableware. The exquisite design adds that extra touch to your table setting, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. COLLECTIBLE The Christmas plate is collectible, both within Norway and internationally. It is available in limited quantities.
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Materiale Høbrent feltspatporselen
SKU 1230620
Designer Cathrine Kirkerud
Vekt 0.500000
EAN 7026581077258
Diameter 180

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